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1. The Council is the governing body of the Association. It executes policy and manages the affairs of the Association.
2. Council is convened regularly at least once a year and extraordinary at the discretion of the President or half plus one of its Members.
3. The Council composed of six members elected at the GAM by secret ballot, consist of following members:
- President
- Immediate Past President
- President Elect
- Secretary-general
- Treasurer
- One member
4. The term of office for any Member of the council is three years. All Members are eligible for re-election.
5. The term of office for president only shall not be more than two terms.
6. For each office, a Council Member will need to be nominated and seconded by another member.
7. If a Council Member resigns during his term of office, the Council appoints his replacement to the Council from the first runner-up in his discipline, who will serve the remainder of his term. If no runner-up exists, the Council appoints a corporate Member to fill the post.
8. If four Members of the Council resign within any period of six months, then elections for a new Council will have to be held. The new Council will serve the remainder of the term of the previous Council. In this case, the Secretary-general remains in an acting capacity with the only charge of preparing for new elections and convening the relevant EGM.
9. The Council is considered to be in quorum when any 3 Members are present. If a Member of Council is unjustifiably absent from two consecutive meetings, he losses his post and is replaced by the first runner-up in his discipline. If no runner-up exists, then the Council appoints one of the corporate Members to fill the post.
10. Council will nominate Members to represent the Association in any Government or other Professional Committees.
11. The Secretary-general keeps regular minutes of the meetings of the Council.
12. Each Member of the Council has one vote. In the case of equality in votes, the Applicant has the casting vote.
13. Any discipline covered by this Association may form professional or scientific groups affiliated to international organizations, following Council authorization, as well as their own societies.
14. The Council may set-up standing Committees composed of Members to facilitate any of the Association specialized work.
15. The Council represents the Association in its dealings with other bodies.
16. In April of the election year, the Secretary–general will have to initiate the process of nominating new members for the Council for the next term by soliciting nominations for all 5 positions.
17. The nominees for each post are approved by the council and then presented to the voting members as a candidate.
18. Result of the election is announced during the annual I-AAPM meeting.

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